Not So Young Creatives Review of Cannes 2014: Au Revoir Cannes!

Au revoir Cannes 2014!

First of all, we would like to start this post thanking the Circulo and all the sponsors involved that supported the Not so Young & the Young Creatives contests the Circulo put together year after year. Truly, we appreciate all their efforts on putting these together.

Through out the festival, we were thinking about the essence of what we were seeing this year, was there a trend in the work? Something new and revolutionary? As the days went by, and as we kept on looking as much work, ideas and conferences as we could, it hit us that the ideas that really moved us were those were something truly "happened"... Work that connected with us because it had some positive consequences.

From the first speaker we saw, Nikesh Arona-Chief Business Officer for Google, with his conference GOOGLE: A HEALTHY DISREGARD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE, until the last one from Bono and Jonathan Ive, talking about the success and challenges of (RED), the biggest message across the festival was that together: ideas, technology and people now more than ever can make a big difference and affect change, and that these are really exciting times.

As Sir John Hegarty and David Droga said, in what was probably the best conference of all, you need to give something back to the people for their time. Entertainment, hope, emotions... you name it. They need to receive something in exchange if not your brand and campaign will get lost in the sea of mediocrity. And we think that nobody said it better that David Droga with this quote: "An idea is only great when something happens with it". This notion of the possibilities that lie ahead our industry is the most exciting thing that we keep from the festival.

Attending Cannes for us, being really "not so young" creatives at all, was a renovation and refreshment in our passion for this profession and we want to thank the Circulo and sponsors for that.

Below we have put together some links of the work that moved us somehow.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Migue and Chris

Here you can access the 3 revolutionary cases that Google shared with us.

Intel Look Inside Campaign.


Hungry for more Fútbol? Take a look at this one: Carlsberg Border Football.

P&G Tough Love

IKEA Start something new

Dentsu Mother Bo

Miguel Ullivarri
Creative Director